The LEGHO program is designed to meet the needs of seniors and adults with physical disabilities who are going from hospital to home or who come to the emergency department (ED) with needs related to social determinants of health. The program provides clients with a free bundle of community support services for a period of four to six weeks to ensure they can stabilize at home and don’t need to be readmitted to hospital.  LEGHO was launched by Ontario Health West in 2022, across the 15 Ontario Health Teams in the region.

Cheshire provides intake and assessment and coordinates the delivery of services. The “basic” bundle of services typically includes Meals on Wheels, transportation, homemaking and wellness checks, as well as navigation support for other non-CSS programs, like community paramedicine or primary care. If the client requires additional supports, such as friendly visits, these can also be arranged. When the client requires additional services beyond four to six weeks, program staff can help arrange these services prior to the end of the program.   Referrals come either from Ontario Health at Home or designated hospital units.

Programs like LEGHO that reduce hospital admissions and use of alternate level of care (ALC) beds are also important to the healthcare system, as many hospital beds are occupied by people who cannot safely be discharged because of lack of care at home.